HCA 13/68 f.250r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.250r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the second hee saith hee was not present when the words mentioned in the
first article of the allegation in this Cause were spoken, but saith the same were, as the
said Joachim Wise hath often declared to this deponent spoken to the sayd
Wise by the said Lieutenant Mowat in the presence of one other man, whom hee tooke for one of the imployers of the said private man of warr and saith the said Wise hath [?XXXX] declared that
the said words were spoken before hee this said Wise was examined at all
in this Cause:/

To the 3. hee saith hee was onely a passenger in the said shipp the Christopher and
hath land, and driveth a Merchandizing trade at Riga, for Wynes, and from
thence with that Countrey Commodities And otherwise cannot declare the worth or
valew of his estate./:-

To the 4th hee saith hee the interrate Cornelius alias Neels Peterson was entertained
for Cooke aboard the said shipp the great Christopher where hee was not accompted
by any of the said shipps Companie to be any otherwise than an idle
unworthy and unserviceable person.



The same day. [CENTRE HEADING]

Examined upon the said Allegation:-


Simon Paulson of Stetin in Pomerland Mariner and
Stiersman of the said shipp the great Christopher aged
36. yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined./

To the 1.st article hee saith hee knoweth nothing of the Contents thereof, otherwise
then that the arlate Joachim Wise Carpenter of the said shipp the great
Christopher hath severall times affirmed to this deponent That after the seizure of the
same, the Lieutenant of the private man of warr had offered him two hundred gilders if
hee would declare that the said shipp and her lading were at the time of her seizure
bound for Holland or ffrance, which hee refused to doe as being Contrary to the
trueth, or words to that effect./

To the 2d. hee saith that one Neels or Cornelius, (who was Cooke aboard the said shipp
at the time of her seizure) and whom this deponent hath knowne for about a yeare
last past first at Stetin in Pomerland, and since at Riga in Liefland, was and is
a poore despicable and worthelesse person, whom this deponent hath within that time
knowne to goe a begging and to be in a lousy and miserable Condition as an [?adle]
vagabond, and hath himselfe assisted him with cloathes to Cover his nakednesse
in hopes hee might be reduced to labour and thrive, and saith that the arlate Michael
Crugger finding the said Neels at Riga paid 9. rix dollers for him to a Captaine of
the Souldjery there, and finding him without shooes doublet or other necessaries
hee gave him some old cloathes to cover him, and tooke him aboard his shipp, all which
notwithstanding the said Neels continued and was at the time of the said shipps
seizure in a verminous and nastie condition for want of shift, and since the said
seizure this deponent hath seene the said Neels in a very good suite of Cloathes with
hatt and ribbons and gloves, which, this deponent in his Conscience is verily perswaded
hee had obtained from the said Lieutenant or some of the Imployers of the said man of