HCA 13/68 f.210r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.210r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window



To the seaventh article of the said allegatio he deposeth and sayeth That the arlate
Berard Mitchelolt haveing laden aboard the Shipp the three kinges arlate
the severall and respective bales of Lynnen. marked as is arlate
on or about the 2[?5]th day of September 1653 arlate did really and truelly
for and in consideration of the [?XXX] sume of 7280 livre Turnoiis
att Saint Malloes afforesaid did really and truely
sell assigne and transfer into the arlate John Martynes the producent eighteene
bales of Lynnen marked with GM and allsoe
twoe bales of Lynnen marjed with CH and as for the other bale marked with
CH as is arlate hee sayeth That hee this deponent being aboard the
three kings arlate did heare the arlate [?Mounsyer] [?XXX] [?XXXX]
att sea that he had assigned and sould the said third bale unto the producent
John Martynes the premisses hee knoweth being present when the said John
Martynes did pay the sume of money afforesaid to the said Bernard