HCA 13/68 f.205r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.205r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the first second and third articles of the said allegation and to the schedule or Bills
of Ladinge therein mentioned beinge shewne unto him att the tyme of his examination and
casually perused by him hee saith and deposeth that he this deponent hath bene master of
the shipp the three Kings of Hamborough arlate for theis eight monethes
last past or thereabouts which shipp he sayeth lay in or neere the Port of Saint Malloes
arlate in or about the moneth ofAugust last past. when and where this deponent
sayeth That there were Laden aboard the said Shipp by the producent
Henry Wilkee for the accompt of Jaques Wilkee the said producents brother
livinge att Cadiz in Spayne twelve bales of Lynen cloth marked and numbred as
in the margent for which bales he this deponent with his owne hand did firme and
signe the Bill of Ladeing in the said alleagtion mentioned And sayeth
That accordingly the said twelve bales of Linnen were laden and putt aboard
his this deponents said shipp to be delivered to the said producents brother
Jaques Wilkee att Cadiz afforesaid which by Gods permission this deponent had
accordingly performed if the said Shipp and her ladeing had not beene taken
and seised by the Saphir ffrigott whereof the arlate Captayne [?Henton] was Comander
whoe brought the said Shipp and her Ladeing as Prize into Plymouth with two
other ffrench Shipps which were taken by him when the said Shipp the
three Kings was surprized and taken as afforesaid the premisses he
deposeth for truth for that he this deponent was master and Comander of the
said Ship the three Kings att the tyme of her seizure predeposed and as [?XXXX]
the bill arlate to be firmed by and with his this deponents owne hand
writing uppon thereof of the goods predeposed And more or further he
cannot depose saveing that the contents of the said bills of Ladeinge were and
are true and reall and soe had and done as is conteyned

To the fourethand fifth articles of the said allegation he sayeth and deposeth That
as this deponent was informed after the Ladeing of the said Lynnen the
producent Henry Wilkee went over Land for England And otherwise
he cannot depose saving that the Shipp the three Kings arlate was and is
a free shipp belonging to Hamborough and soe comonly knowne and
reputed And otherwise saveing his depositions hereafter followeing he cannot

To the Crosse Interrogatoryes [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first Interrogatory That hee this rendent bought the shipp the three kinges
aforesaid att Middleburgh in Zealand where this deponent first came
aboard of her having bought the said shipp for the accompt of this rendent and
one ffrancis Sloyer liveing both in Hamborough and [?not] otherwise
saveing his precedent depositions hee cannot answeare.

To the second Interrogatory he answereth That the interrate Henry Wilkee the producent
did come aboard the [?XXX] sayd shipp to sea and look after the Ladeing
[?his] [?stockings] of his said goods predeposed att Saint Malloes afforesaid And
further cannot answere
