HCA 13/68 f.185r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.185r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


such time as shee was lately seized, and brought up to Plimouth. And
otherwise cannot depose:-/

To the 4, hee saith, That the said shipp the Saint Mary had layen at Hamburgh
for about 6. or 7. moneths (as this deponent remembreth) before shee began
her outward Voyage from thence, and came from Lisbone thither laden with
salt and sugar for the accompt of severall Merchants of Hamburgh, to
whom this deponent delivered the same, but remembreth not at present their
particular names./:-

To the 5.th hee saith hee this deponent is the present master of the said shipp
and saith That about 9. yeares since this deponent bought the said shipp
at Hamborough for the accompt of himselfe and his ffellow Owners and
then became master of her, and saith that one Barent Cordes of Lubeck was
Master of her before this deponent And saith hee this deponent hath
in partnershipp with his brother in law ffrancis [?Meynke] of
Hamborough 3/8. parte of the said shipp her tackle apparrell and furniture
for which they paid to the said Barent Cordes one thousand three
hundred seaventie and four rixdallers for their said 3/8 parts, And otherwise
cannot depose:- saving the sayd Barent Cordes was not aboard at the seizure aforesaid./

To the 6:th hee saith that Henry Selm, Daniel Brandts, Wilkin
Wrede, Philip Collin[?s] Derrick Thooneman, Balthazar Pauland
ffrans van Bremen Gregorie Harman and this deponent and his said brother in Law
all Hamburghers are Owners of the said shipp and have dwelt there ever since this deponent can remember
and saith that the said Henry Selm is Owner of one 1/8 part, Daniel Brandts
of 1/8 Wilkin Wrede. Philip Collins Derrick Thooneman Balthazar
Paulland ffrans van Bremen and Gregorie Harman each of 1/16 part
and saith the said shipp being by this deponent bought as aforesaid and that
for the summe of eleaven thousand markes Lubecks money, the said
Owners paid this deponent their respective proportions for the same, and hee this
deponent immediately paid the same unto the said Barent Cordes in the
banck at Hamborough, besides 9000 markes Lubecks money which were
paid proportionably by the Owners aforementioned for the equipping and
setting forth of the said shipp to sea. And otherwise saving his foregoing
deposition to the 5:th Interrogatory hee saith hee cannot depose:-/

To the 7.th hee saith, that the whole preset lading of the said shipp was
taken in at Venice and Ligorne, and saith hee well knoweth the interrate
ffrancis van Axell and the heires of Adolph van Axell John [?ff?ine]
and Corneluis van Neck, and saith hee this deponent was severall times in
Company with them at Venice and Ligorne where they came divers times
aboard this deponents shipp. And otherwise negatively, and further cannot depose

To the 8:th hee saith this deponent hath dwelt at Hamborough from
his infancie to this present, and saith hee well knoweth the interrate John