HCA 13/68 f.157r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/68 |
Folio | 157 |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 12/04/2017 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_115_06_9870.jpg | |
First transcriber | |
Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2017/04/12 |
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To the eighth article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that the sayd Nicholas
Lee and Patrick Rice are by birth Irish men and live att Nantes in
the quality of factors and merchant strangers, and the sayd Valentine
Morgan and David England arlate are Irishmen and factors resident
in Spaine, the premisses he knoweth being the correspondent of all the
sayd persons. And saith that none of them the sayd Lee Rice Morgan
or England were or are subiects of the States Generalll of the United
Provinces or King of ggrance or any Prince or State in hostility with
England that ever this deponent heard knoweth or beleiveth and otherwise
cannot depose.
To the nynth article of the sayd allegation this deponent saith that after the lading
of the sayd moneyes as aforesayd the sayd shipp set sayle from Bilboa and
in her Course for Nantes was seized by the arlate Captaine Wills
and Company in the shipp Handmaid And the aforesayd moneyes were
then on board and came into the possession of the Takers who still detayne
the same, the premisses he knoweth comeing a Passenger in the
sayd shipp and being aboard att the tyme of seizure. And otherwise
cannot depose.
To the tenth article of the sayd allegation This deponent saith that the sayd
David Rochford and William ffaggan by common repute are Natoives of
Ireland. and saith the sayd Rochford by like repute was and is an Inhabitant of Limmerick
a subiect of this Commonwealth and well affected, having served the same
in supplying their Armies with Corne from England. and the saud
William ffaffan was and is by report an Inhabitant of Corke a subiect of thios
Commonwealth and well affected, and saith tht neither of the sayd
parties ever were that this deponent knoweth or hath heard subiects of
the sayd States of the United Provinces King of ffrance or any Prince or
State in hostility with this Commonwealth And otherwise cannot depose
To the last he saith his depositions are true.
To the Crosse Interrogatories. [CENTRE HEADING]
To the .1. he saith he comes to be a witnes att the desire of Daniell Arthur, and
saith he hath knowne William ffagan by sight about three yeares. and David
Rochford for the like tyme by common report onely and not otherwise and
further otherwise than negatively he cannot depose.
To the .2. he saith he was borne at Gallaway in Ireland, and beleives he
is not bound to answer or declare what religion he professes; and saith
that in the yeares 1643. 1644. 1645. 1646. he lived at Iypre and Lisle in
fflanders, and in the yeares 1647. 1648. 1649. 1650. 1651. and about
one moneth 1652. in Holland and Zealand, sometymes att Middleburgh,
sometymes att Amsterdam and since Aprill 1652. to July 1653. in
Spaine sometymes att Cadiz sometymes att Bilboa, from whence he
came in July last, and came to this citty in the same month, and hath
since here resided. and otherwise cannot depose.