HCA 13/68 f.154r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.154r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the fourth fifth sixth and seventh articles of the sayd allegation This deponent
saith and deposeth that the sayd Joachim Lorenz and David Zollicoffer
are by common repute Switzers, and the sayd Van Dobbar a high
German borne about ffrankfurt or Collon, and saith they are all of
them factors of the sayd Scrotherings and other the sayd merchants of
Hamburgh and so accounted and are Bachelors and live at Marseilles
as merchant strangers, And further saith that the sayd shipp the
Neptune was directly bound for Hamburgh and there was to deliver
all her lading, and was not to touch att any other Port, and to Hamburgh
if she had not bene stayd and taken should and would have gone, which
this deponent knoweth for the reasons aforesayd. And otherwise saving his
foregoeing depositions cannot depose.

To the eighth ninth and tenth articles of the sayd alleagtion This deponent saith
that the sayd John and George Scothering and others the Owners
of the sayd merchants goods aboard the sayd shipp were and are merchants
of goods ranke and have their howses and familyes in Hamburgh and
use to trade to Marseilles; and saith that one of the foresayd owners of
the Neptune videlicet Christian Holst did write to the sayd Martin Holst
master of the sayd shipp whilst the shipp lay att Marseilles, and his
letter was to the effect as the sayd Martin Holst told this deponent
at Marseilles that he the sayd Martin Holst told this deponent
att Marseilles that he the sayd Martin should att noe hand take in
any goods for the Accompt of Hollanders or others of the United
Provinces. And saith whilst the syd shipp remained at Marseilles
it was publiquely spoken and reported that the sayd shipp and lading were
directly to goe to Hamburgh and not to Amsterdam or any other Port or
place in Holland or Zeland. And otherwise cannot depose

To the eleaventh article of the sayd allegation this deponents aith that in the absence
of this deponent and the master of the sayd shipp videlicet whilsest they were
buying provisions in Marseilles there was a young boy or youth left aboard
the sayd shipp and order left for transporting him to Hamburgh, and
that he was to learne the Dutch tongue, and the sayd youth was never
told for ought that this deponent knoweth that the sayd shipp was bound
for Amsterdam, but was allwayes told that she was to goe to Hamborow as
this deponent beleiveth. And saith he knoweth nothing of the letter in
this Article mentioned. And otherwise cannot depose.

To the Crosse Interrogatories

To the first he saith he is Purser of the Neptune and so hath bene for 33 monethes
and upwards, and came first aboard att Hamburgh and was in her att the tyme
of seizure

To the 2d he saith he hath knowne the sayd shipp 4 yeares and upwards, and
hath heard it was built att Newstadt neere Lubeck by the present Owners
thereof, who for these four yeares past of the knowledge of tis deponent
have had the possession thereof and ymployed the same to their owne
use, And otherwise cannot depose.