HCA 13/68 f.147v Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.147v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


To the 16th he saith he cannot depose

To the 17th he saith that when the sayd Van Trump had surprized both the sayd
shipps the Harry Bonadventure and Saint Peter as aforesayd, att his goeing
off with them the dutchmen aboard their men of Warr and Souldiers in the
sayd Castle of Trepany by way of mutuall salutation and reioyes XX waved
sayd Capps or hatts att each other and Van Trump saluted the Towne
with severall gunnes and struck his flagg three tymes, all which this
deponent saw and observed. And otherwise cannot depose.

To the 18th he saith and deposeth that aafter the sayd Van Trump was gone away
with the sayd stwo shipps there remayned in the port of Trapany two
dutch merchants shipps till the next day after, and that noe restraint
was made of them, nor any and deavours used by the sayd Towne or Governor
to remedy the English, Amd more over saith that the sayd dutch shippes
remayned 2 dayes next after the seizure neere to the sayd Towne
of Trapany (and under the Command of the Castle as this deponent beleiveth
and did so remaine all together unmolested. And further saith that the
sayd Governor of Trapany refused to furnish this deponent with ffatuXXX
wherein he might to send to Van Trump to endeavour the retXXse of such
of his shipps Company as were detayned prisoners aboard the sayd dutch
shipps. And further he cannot depose.

To the 19th he saith that after the sayd seizure was made, he this deponent saw
and observed divers of the Inhabitants of Trapany that tooke notice of
the passages aforesayd to shake their heads, and say that the Governor had
sould the English for money, and this deponent goeing to the Governor
aforesayd and taxing him of his injurious dealeing in this business and
threatning to make complaint thereof observed in his Countenance
and by his trembling that he was guilty of betraying the sayd
shippes to the Dutch for moneyes, And this deponent hath heard
that Vantrump did for the same purpose p:rsent or give him a
bribe of 1500 ducketts or some other considerable summe. And further
he cannot depose.

To the 20th he saith that the sayd shipp the Harry Bonadventure was of the
burthen of four hundred tonnes and upwards, and was compleatly fitted
with Rigging Anchors Cables masts yards and other tackles requisit and
was victualled for 6 monethes for about 140 men. and had aboard her 41
gunnes. 2 brasse buses, and 2 Iron murtherers, and all requisitts fitting
thereunto, and had aboard her 142 kintalls of powder att the least, and
shott, musketts, Carbenes pistolls hatchetts, and other weapons and munitions
proportionable and fitt for a man of Warr of her burthen, and had
aboard her likewise about 63 baggs of Anniseeds and other things which
were taken out of the gunn deck of the Saint Peter. and had moreover merchants
goods aboard in tokens and goods taken aboard her att Smyrna to a great value
and allso severall goods Clothes plate moneyes and necessaries belonging
to this deponent and mariners of the sayd shipps Company. And particularly
Thomas Cunstable Gunner of the sayd shipp and slayne att the tyme of surprizall
in Trapany had aboard her att the tyme of the sayd seizure for his own accompt
several peices of [?Mokartre], Dimmitees, silke stockings Clothes and other things
which were as this deponent beleiveth of the cleare value of forty
pounds sterling. And Edward Lyn masters mate of the sayd shipp slayn
likewise att the tyme of the sayd surprizall had then goods and Cloathes aboard