HCA 13/68 f.101r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.101r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


of the said parties producent went from Hamborough to Amsterdam
in Holland to buy a shipp for the said producents, and being arrived
there hee had intelligence that the shipp the Mary now in question lay
at Rotterdam, and was to be sould, whereupon this deponent went thither to
see the said shipp, and having there seen, and findeing the same to be
a Convenient shipp for the use of the said producents hee returned to
Amsterdam, and there treated with the arlate Evert Garrets Moutmaker
and Wynant Theemenson the then owner of the said shipp and her appurtenances
concerning the buying of the same for the said producents, And in or about the
moneth of September, 1652 this deponent agreed with the said then owner for the
said shipp her tackle and furniture, for the summe of fower Thousand eight
hundred gilders hollands money, and accordingly the said Evert Garrets Moutmaker
and Wynant Theemenson sold the said shipp her tackle and furniture to
this deponent for the use of the said producents for the summe aforementoned,
Which summe, the said producents by bill of Exchange caused to be paid at
Amsterdam to the said Evert Garrett Moutmaker and Wynant Theemenson
by one Abraham Englis their said producents ffactor or Correspondent at Amsterdam,
videlicet 1500. gilders shortly after the bargaine made, and 3300. gilders at such time as
the said with her full tackle apparrell and furniture fitting for a Voyage
to sea was delivered into the actuall possession of this deponent at Rotterdam
aforesaid, The premisses he deposeth being as aforesaid a Burger of Hamborough
and particularly employed by the producents in and about the premisses, And
otherwise saving his following Depositions hee saith hee cannot depose:/

To the 4th and 5th articles of the said Allegation he saith and deposeth. That
in or about the monethe of October or November 1652 this deponent by order of the said
producents took possession of the said shipp then by order of the producents called by the name of the Saint
Mary, at Rotterdam aforesaid, and at Master thereof sailed with and brought
the same into the River of the Elbe about a Dutch mile below Hamborough, into
the usual place where the Hamborough shipps doe ride, and there this deponent
delivered the said shipp unto the said producents who made this deponent Master
thereof, And saith That ever since the buying of the said shipp the Saint Mary
aforesaid, the said Lewis Du Bois and Abraham van Luffell were and are the
true and lawfull Owners and Proprietors of the said shipp her tackle and
furniture, and for such the said producents were and are commonly reputed and
knowne. The premisses hee well knoweth for the reasons predeposed. And otherwise
deposeth not.

To the 6th article of the said allegation he saith and deposeth that in or
about the moneth of ffebruary 1653. new style the said producents did lade
and putt on board the said shipp the Saint Mary then lyeing in the said River of
Elbe nere Hamborow the goods and Merchandizes hereafter mentioned videlicet
the said Abraham van Luffell at or about the time aforesaid Laded aboard the said