HCA 13/68 f.100r Annotate

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HCA 13/68 f.100r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


all Merchants inhabiteing in Embden, And saith they have bin and are the
true and lawfull Owners and Proprietors of the shipp the Golden Lyon
arlate, and of her Tackle apparrell and furniture, and of her present
lading of whale blubber and finnes, and for such were and are commonly
accompted and taken, The premisses hee deposeth, being Cooper of and abord
the said shipp, and seeing that shee was equipped fitted and furnished out to
sea by the said Owners in the moneth of Aprill last upon a Voyage to
Greeneland to Catch Whales. from whence shee was to make her
Returne to Embden with such goods as shee there should receive or take for
the accompt of the said Owners who are the Greenland Companie residing
at Embden, And saith, That after the said shipp the Golden Lyon had
ended her fishing at Greeneland, being upon her returne towards Embden
shee was mett withall surprized and taken by some of the shipps of
this Commonwealth, shee being at the time of her said seizure about 10L
leagues from the River of Embden, and having foure shallops belonging to
her which then also were taken with her, and the said shipp and lading are
now remaining at Yarmouth, Which hee knoweth being as aforesaid one
of the said shipps Companie and aboard her at the time shee was seized,
And knoweing of the building thereof at Embden about ten yeares since
by some of her said Owners And otherwise hee cannot depose:-

To the third article of the said Allegation and schedule thereunto annexed hee
saith, hee well knoweth the said schedule to be a Sea passe granted by the
Magistrates of Embden, under the seale of the said Citie (whose
impression this deponent well knoweth) unto his precontest the Master of
the said shipp for her safe Conduct, And beleeveth, That the said Master
immediately after the seizure, carried the said sea briefe with him aboard
the said shipp of Captaine Brandley who made the said seizure, And by
the same and otherwise declared unto him, that his said shipp and ladeing
were belonging unto Embdeners notwithstanding all which, the said shipp the
Golden Lyon with her said lading were sent up to Yarmouth where
now they are. And further he cannot depose:-/

To the last hee saith his foregoeing deposition is true:-/

To the Crosse Interrogatories:- [CENTRE HEADING]

To the first hee saith hee was one of the said shipps Companie and aboard her
when shee was taken, and had performed this voyage in her, and another
Voyage about 2. yeares since, and had occasion aboard her at Embden And
otherwise cannot depose:-/

To the second hee saith hee hath knowne part of the said Owners ever since the said
shipp was built, And severall others of the said Owners, hee saith hee well
knoweth, namely Jacob Alders, Hendrick [?Luers], John Wesserman,
Nicholas Wolters, Elias [?d'uif] and [?Toder] Reynes [?Godders] [?Burvall]