HCA 13/67 f.209v Silver IMG 117 07 1833 Annotate

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HCA 13/67 f.209v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window




The 21th day of May .1653. [CENTRE HEADING]

Examined upon the said Interrogatories.


John de Vosse of Ostend borne att Nuport
in fflanders Mariner Master of the sayd
shipp the John Evangelist aged about
forty eight yeares sworne and examined.

To the first Interrogatory he deposeth and saith that he was Master
of the shipp Interrogat and was aboard her att the tyme of seizure and hath
belonged to her as Master neer about three yeares now past and took
the first Charge of her att Serdam in Holland. And further
cannot depose.

To the second he deposeth and saith that Robert [?Mulabacks] of Bridges
where and att Ostend he hath lived tenn yeares and upwards is the
Cheife Owner, and mannager of the busines of the sayd shipp, and hath
a particular Interest in one eighth thereof. John de Raad of
Ostend where he hath lived ten yeares and upwards is owner of one
eighth part of the sayd shipp. Noot de Visch of Ostend where and
att Dunkirke he hath lived from his Childhood, att the tyme of