HCA 13/66 Silver IMG 118 07 2494 Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/66 |
Folio | 20 |
Side | Recto |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 19/08/2015 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_118_07_2494.jpg | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2015/08/19 |
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The third of January 1652. [CENTRE HEADING]
The Keepers et cetera against the Saint George}
[?aforesaid]. John Martins Master.}
Rowe dt.
John Martins of hamborough Mariner commannder
of the said vessell the Saint George, aged 51
yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined.
To the first Interrogatorie hee saith and deposeth that Daniel Sloyer is
owner of an eighth part of the said shipp the Saint George and of her tackle and furniture,
Abraham de Boyes of an eighth part, detliff Classoff of an eighth part
Vincent Van Campen of a quarter part, and hee this deponent of an eighth
part. And that they were and are all hamburgers and subiects of that
State. And all or the most part of them borne there and having dwelt there
as longe as this deponent can well remember namely for fourtie yeares last
or thereabouts, saving the said Vincent van Campen who hath lived longe
namely about twenty yeares at Cales, but was borne at hamborough aforesaid.
To the second hee saith that in the yeares of our Lord 1642 the said owners
caused the said shipp the Saint George to be built at hamborough, where this
deponent by their order oversighted the worke and bought materialls for such
her building at the chardge of the said owners who paid for such her building
according to each mans said part and constituted this deponent master of her
which charge and office hee hath ever since sustained and is still commannder of
To the third hee saith that the same men who were at first owners and caused her to [?be]
built as aforesaid are stilll owners of the said vessell, of which this deponent
presently tooke chardge at hamborough presently upon her said building, and
otherwise hee referreth himselfe to his foregoeing deposition.
To the fourth hee saith that in or about the moneth of May 1651 the said shipp
arived from Spaine with a cargo of goods at Amsterdam, which having there
dischardged this deponent went to his home at hamborough and there staid foure
or five monethes, leving his shipp at Amsterdam And in or about
the moneth of October next following hee retourned to his shipp at
Amsterdam and there taking in some corne, deales and other merchandize went
with her for Cales in Spaine, and came last from Cales before this her
seizure, bound for Ostend the port of her dischardge. And otherwise negatively.
To the fifth hee saith that the said shipp at the time of her late seizure by
the Parliaments shipps was laden with wooll, tobaccoe, brazill wood, some
Indico, some cochanelle and silver referring himselfe to his
booke and bills of lading seized for the further particularitie of the said goods
and quantitie thereof and of the said silver, and saith that they were all
laden at Cales by severall marchants and factors there dwelling and at
Sevill, referring himselfe for their names to his said
booke and bills of lading seized and brought as hee conceiveth into this Court
as alsoe for the names of the persons to whom consigned and for whose accompt
And saith there were 25 guns in the said shipp at the time of the said seizure
and some powder, match and ball. And further that for this deponents owne
particular accompt that were laden and were remayning aboard at the time
of the said seizure foure butts and two hogsheads of wine three Chests of sugar, and three
potacks of tobaccoe all without marke, And otherwise hee cannot depose
To the sixth hee saith that hee signed bills of lading for the said silver and
goods namely three for each parcell for the most part of the lading and two for