HCA 13/66 Silver IMG 118 07 2473 Annotate

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HCA 13/66 f.13v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


namely about twelve of the clock of that night there came certaine
persons aboard and asked for this deponent and coming to him with
Captaine Stephens who was put aboard to guard the said shipp and goods
the said Captaine Stephens demannded this deponents said note, saying that
the Commissioners had sent for it, and this deponent supposing that
a coppie thereof would serve their turne delivered it into the said Captaines
hand, who detayning the same and delivering it over to those persons that
soe came aboard, this deponent besought them that they would redeliver
unto him or at least permit him to take a copie of it, both which was
denied, and soe the same was sent away and this deponent deprived
thereof. And at the premisses Thomas Warlan[?X] boatswaine of the
said shipp was present, the said premisses being soe donne about three
weekes since.

Nicolas Van Aspern [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The same day. [CENTRE HEADING]


Thomas Warland of Lubeck Mariner boatswaine of the
said shipp the Salvador, aged 33 yeares or thereabouts
sworne as aforesaid, saith.

That about thre weekes since and when the money and silver were
unladen from the shipp the Salvador hee this deponent being boatswaine
was present aboard and sawe the taking the same thence by such as [?came]
in the name of the Commissioners for prize goods for the same, and that
night about midnight there came certaine persons aboard and addressed
themselves to Captaine Stephens who then had the command or oversight
of the said shipp and the said Captaine demanndeing the note that the
Purser had taken of the said silver as it was delivered out, and getting
the same into his hands, hee delivered it to the said persons, and would not
suffer the said Purser to make a copie thereof, and soe the same was [?caried]
away. All which this deponent sawe and heard.

The marke of the said
+ [MARKE] Warland [MARKE, RH SIDE]