HCA 13/66 Silver IMG 118 07 2466 Annotate
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The 25th of November 1652. [CENTRE HEADING]
James Stanier of the citie of London merchant aged
46 yeares or thereabouts sworne and examined.
To the first Interrogatorie hee saith and deposeth that hee hath understood
and bin informed that on or about the first of this present November
the shipps interrogated named the Sampson (Otto George master) and
the Salvador (Christian Cloppenburgh master) arived in the downes to
look for pilots to carry them for dunkerke understanding the same to
be then for the king of Spaine, and that after their comming there to
an anchor Captaine Penrose commander of a frigot in the service of
this Commonwealth came aboard them and tooke their papers and bills
and sent them up to the Councill of State, and made stay of the said
shipps and their lading, and that hee was informed of the
like for the shipp the Peter whereof daniel Straetman is master.
To the second hee saith hee knoweth the said three masters since their arivall
here, but knew them not nor sawe them before that hee knoweth of, only
hee is well acquainted with the names of the said Otto George and
Christian Cloppenburgh as masters that have longe traded for
Spaine from hamborowe and that this deponent hath laded
severall goods aboard them (being free shipps) in the downes, and hath
received greate quantities of silver imported in their shipps into this
Commonwealth for accompt of the subiects of the kinge of Spaine, which
silver this deponent hath here delivered into the mint, but saith hee
knoweth not any other of the companies of the said shipps or either of
them, or of the Peter. And otherwise hee cannot depose.
To the third hee saith that the said Otto George upon his arivall
came to this deponents house, and acquainted him this deponent iwth
the stay aforesaid made of his and the other two shipps in the downes
and shewed him a copie of his booke, the originall whereof hee said
was seized by Captaine Penrose and sent up to the Counsell of State
out of which booke this deponent extracting some notes of his friends
goods, delivered the said booke back to him the said Otto George,
and since the comming up of the said Christian Cloppenbrughm hee
this deponent hath likewise seene a copie of his booke, which hee received
of Mr Peter Vandeput and having noted his friends goods as aforesaid
redelivered the same to him the said Mr Vandeput, and hath here
in this Court seene a list or particular of the goods of the said shipp
the Peter, and had before seene a copie thereof in the hands of the
said Mr Vandeput, but thhee saw neither the copie either of the
said Straetman, nor sawe hee as hee saith any bills of lading, charter
partie or other documents or writings touching the goods in either or
any of the said shipps other than the foresaid particulars, in which were
mentioned what the goods and silver were and for whose accompt, and
where to be delivered and to whom, namely the said George and
Cloppenburgh for Ostend and the said Straetman for hamborough.
And further that hee hath severall times bin in company of and with
the said three masters, and otherwise hee [?denieth] the said article
for ought that hee knoweth further concerning the ame.
To the fourth hee saith that hee hath not any of the said particulars
or any of the bills, writings or documents concerning the said shipps or goods
in his hands, but beleeveth that the said masters have them againe. And
otherwise hee cannot depose saving his foregoing deposition.
James Stanier [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
Repeated with his precontest before doctor Exton.