HCA 13/65 f.89r Annotate

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P1170552 (Image not found)


Owner of an eighth part of the ship the Hopefull
Mary whereof Edward Basen was Commander and owner of
a quarter part, And saith that the said shippe when
shee was bought did with her tackle, apparell
furniture Ordnance Ammunition and provisions cost this
deponent and the rest of her owners the Somme of 1600 li
sterling and upwards. And otherwise hee cannot depose
saveing that the said ship in the very first voyage that
ever shee made after she was soe bought (whilest shee
was in the ymediate service of the Parliament of England) was mett
withall surprized and taken at Sea by the French, and by them
was condemned for prize and soe became utterly lost unto this
deponent and the rest of her owners who since that tyme have
not had the least satisfaction for the same.

Repeated with his precontest before
doctor Exton.//.

Richard Gossage [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The 23th day of September 1651.

The Keepers of the Liberties of}
England by authority of Parliament against}
the ship the Saint Martyn and aganst Cagia}
Sarankan and others.}


Rp. jus

Hoijar Petro of Spaham in Persia
Merchant Aged 25 yeares or thereabouts
sworne and Examined deposeth.

To the first article of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth That at
or ymediatelye after such tyme as the producent Hojah Sarankan
together with this deponent and the rest of the Armenians (now clayemeing
goods in this Court did lade theire respective goods wares
and Merchandizes abord the ship the Saint Martyn at Smirna arlate
Michael Audric the then Comander thereof at the Instance and especiall
request of the said producent and the rest of the parties arlate did enter
all and singular his and theire respective goods now claymed into
a Booke which hee purposely kept of and for the said ships whole lading
under the very same marks as in the margent of the respective bills of Ladeinge
which hee allsoe signed for the same is specified and sett forth and which
are now Exhibited into this court on theire behalfe. And saith that
at the tyme of the seizure of the said shippe the Saint Martin by the Squadron of