HCA 13/65 f.87r Annotate

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ladeing which was and is signed by the arlate Michaell
Audric the then Commander of the said ship fore the said goods
ymediately after they were soe laden by the said producent
thereupon: the contents whereof hee saith were and are true
and were soe had and done as therein is conteyned All
which hee knoweth to bee true because this deponent sawe
the said producent buy all the said goods and pay for them and
then sawe him lade them abord the said ship the Saint Martin att
Smirna for his owne accompt and afterwards sawe the said Audric signe and
sett his hand and name to the said bill of loading as now
it doeth and may plainely appeare And further hee cannot

To the third article of the said Allegation and to the schedule
annexed hee saith and deposeth That after the said goods and
Merchandizes schedulated were soe loaden abord the said ship
the Saint Martin at Smirna shee sett saile and departed therewith for Ligorne
the said Cagia Petro then goeing allsoe with with his said goods in
the said ship and with him tooke the said bill of loading or
schedule annexed which hee had in his owne custody and
possession And saith as the said ship was in her said
Course for Leghorne off the Ile Corsica she was
Mett withall surprized and taken by a squadron of Eight ships
belonging to the Parliament of England under the Command
of the arlate Captaine Hall the said Cagia Petro with his said
goods being then abord the said ship and then haveing the said bill of
loading in his possession and Custody. All which hee knoweth
to bee true because hee this deponent did himselfe come from
Smirna together with the said producent and his precontest Hojar Sefer in the said ship and
was abord her when shee was seized and then sawe the said
goods abord and the said bill of loading in the possession of the
said producent. And otherwise hee cannot depose.

To the fourth article of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth
That the said producent Hojár Petro is án Armenian and
a Subiect of the King of Persiá and a merchant who
doeth frequently and usually trade and traffique from Smirna
with severall parts and places of this deponents certaine knowledge
hee haveing within theise 7 or 8 yeares often met him tradeing
in such manner. And saith that there is a free trade and
Commerce betwixt and allsoe peace and Amity betwixt the
Commonwealth of England and Persia and the respective subiects of
each Countrye. And further hee cannot depose.
