HCA 13/65 f.1v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/65 |
Folio | 1 |
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Colin Greenstreet |
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To the 8th article he saith he cannot otherwise depose than
as afore said to which hee referreth
To the 9th article of the said Allegation he saith and deposeth That
in or about the Month of September last past, hee this deponent returning
to Legorne from his said Masters Imployement abroad in other parts, and seeing
that the said Master, John ffairefax arlate was failed in his Estate and [?did]
ob?scure himselfe, did with other of the Agents of the said ffairefax (to
avoyd imprisonment and other dangers (which by the law in that place might
have ??come upon him) goe on board the shipp the Salvador arlate, lying
then in the Roade neere Lygorne, All which time the arlate Robert Swanley
and divers of the Company of the shipp the Harry Bonadventure and
Nicholas Terricke and divers of the Company of the shipp the Hopewell
arlate, came abroad the said shipp the Salvador and there demanded
of this deponent, Isaak Harwood, and Humphrey Coulson servants of the said [XXXX] and other [XX] what goods they
had in the said Shipp which belonged to the said ffaire fax
and saying that there were Indicoes in the said shipp and other goods
and that they must and would have them for debts which the said ffaire fax owed
to them, upon which they the said Harwood and Coulson replyed that there
were Indicoes on bord the said shipp but said they could not (or would not)
tell whose they were. And imediatly thereupon the said Swanley Terricke
and Companyes, said it was in vaine to [XX]test, for they came for
and would have the said Goods for what was oweing them by their Master
Mr ffairefax, and so for [XXXXXX] (as this deponent was informed being then sick
in his Cabine) did without any warrant or lawfull Authoritie take out
of the said shipp ten Barrells of Indico, which (as hee verely beleeveth)
was part of the Indico sent and consigned to his said Master ffairefax
by the producent or his Agents, All which hee deposeth for that afterwards
when the Indico was gone, the said Swantley and Terricke came
into the Cabine where this deponent then was, and did ?so signe and
sett their hands to a noate That they had taken out of the said shipp
the Salvador ten barrells of Indico as aforesaid, In the presence of this
deponent, and the said Harwood and Coulson, and others And further he
saith hee cannot depose.
To the 10th article hee saith and deposeth that the said Swanley and Terricke att
the time of there comeing aboard the said shipp the Salvador did say that the said ffairefax
owed them and companyes three thousand Dollers or thereabouts upon which the said Harwood asked
them how many barrells of the said Indico they would have, who replyed
saying that they could have noe lesse than ten barrells, and then the said Harwood
tould them that they would bee worth more than they demanded, or words to that
effect But hee saith that att the time of the taking away of the said Indico
the said Swanley and Terricke and their Companye did not pay any money
or give other satisfaction for the same otherwise than by theire noate mentioned
in this said deposition to which hee referreth himself and otherwise hee cannot
To the 11th