HCA 13/63 f.439v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/63 |
Folio | 439 |
Side | Verso |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2015/04/20 |
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Ad [?3um] et 5um deponit et dict that the said Revolted ffleete or
Squardron of shipps at the tyme predeposed were in cause de[?carye]
together soe that whatsoever goods wares Merchandizes or otherwise
was at any ttme seized by the said ffleet or by any ships thereunto
belonging the same was as hee saith was as hee beleeveth imployed
and ordered for the common use and benefitt of the said ffleete and
of the confederates respectively therin by the then Prince of
Wales and his Counselll then abord the said ffleete with him
which consisted of a great many Lords and other great persons there
with whom from tyme to tyme the said Prince used to consult about
the affaires of the said ffleete, but whether the said Sir Henry
Palmer and the rest of the parties oredeposed were of the nomber of
the said Councell or noe he cnnot depose. sh[?XXXX ?rationem]
[?sXXXXX] [?XX] hee this deponent after the seizure of and staie made
of the said two ships the Cormantine alias the Ginney ffrigat and
the Starre being himselfe comanded to come aboard one of the
ships belongig to the said ffleete [?XXX] the Swallow of which
the said Sir Henry Palmer had the command, and
soe continued aboard the same untill the said ffleet came to
[?Hevard staire]. Et alr [?nesit] deponere./
Ad 6um deponit et dicit that after the said Staye and surprizall
of the said two ships the Cormantine alias the Ginny ffrigot and the
Starre by the sad Revolted ffleete, the said ffleete removed
from the Downes unto the Coast of Holland, the said Sir Henry
Palmer Anthonie Hamond, Robert Bargrave and
Richard ffagg being and goeing allsoe with and amongest the said ffleet).
where this deponent saith hee left both them and the said
ffleete and soe came home againe for England. Et alr nescit
Ad 7. 8. 9. 10. et 11um arles dicta allagaconis salvis predeposita [?XX]
ad qua se refert nesit deponere.
Super reliquis [?nXX] Exam[?XX] ex [?directXXXX] produc{?XX].
Idem ad Interria placa ministrate. [CENTRE HEADING]
Ad rimum rendet that hee came first to knowe the parties
interrogated only by heareing f them called by theire respective names whilest
they were abord and amongest the said ffleete. And saith the interrate
Sir Henry Palmer is about 5. or 6. and fortiy yeares of age Mr Anthony
Hamond about 50ty Mr Bargrave about 3. or 4 and fiftye and the interrogate
Richard ffag is about 55. yeares of age. And saith that the producents
or theire [?solicitXXX] [?Major] [?Kem] heareing that this rendent was att the tyme
aforesaid was amongest the said ffleete procured him to bee summoned
up hither by decree of this court to come and testifie in this cause for which
hee expecteth his charges bee borne and satisfaction and for the hindrance
of his tyme. Et alr [?XXXX] [?rendt] per [?XXX] sua saveing that hee this
rendent for theise 7. yeares last past and upwards hath bin and still is a Pilot
by profession and getteth his liveing thereby.
Ad 2um rendet that the Master and Companie o the ship the Starre interrate
came with the same into the Downes unawares
as themselfes said under the power of the Revolted ffleete interrate
the said Masters name being [?East] as this rendent remembreth, at which
tyme the said shipp the Starre as this rendent hath heard had a great
quantitie of Gould abord the same Et alr salvis predeposita [?XX] nescit pro
[?partie] sua.
Ad 3um rendet tht by the meanes interrogated hee meaneth and conceaveth the
ffleete predeposed to bee a number of ships which were
not long before the tyme predeposed of and belonging to the ffleete under the comand
of the Parliament of England, but then the Companies thereof respectively [?XXXing] [?XXX]
against theire Comanders they Revolted from theire former engagements and betooke
themselves to be comanded by the [?XXX] Prince of Wales and such as hee had appointed