HCA 13/63 f.401v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/63 |
Folio | 401 |
Side | Verso |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2016/05/30 |
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To the sixth hee deposeth that the said shipp was bound out upon a
Merchants and not a man of warr oyage, nor to goe as a man of warr.
To the seaventh hee saith that hee had a passeport a board declareing that
his shipp was built at Lubeck and whoe were her owners and merchants
as aforesaid; which passeport was taken by Captaine Penn, together
with all the papers that were in his chest being letters and accompts
and such like writings, the particulars whereof hee cannot specifie
but referreth himselfe thereto, and saith that neither at the time of
the said seizure, nor before nor since there were not to his knowledge
and as hee verily beleeveth any Commissions, letters, Instructions,
cockets or writings whatsoever hidden or put in any secret place
of the shipp to keep them form being found or seene or for any other end,
neither doth hee knowe of any writings whatsoever that were in
the said shipp at any time, saving those predeposed that were
in his chest as aforesaid, and this hee avoweth for truth and
as spoken in the presence of Almightie god, the Searcher of all
[?harts] and discloser of all secrets, but for the contents of the said writings
hee referreth himselfe to the said writings themselves, not
being able without them to declare the contents thereof.
To the 8th hee saith that hee this deponent was the disposer or
Cape merchant of all the said shipps lading, which was to be sold
at Cadiz, and with the proceede thereof hee was to pay his
companies wages for their further voyage, and if there were any money
then remayning, hee was to retourne the same home to his owners
by bills of exchange.
To the 9th hee saith that hee told Captaine Penn that hee was
bound for Cadiz and was Merchant of the goods and not otherwise
and that hee made noe declaration to nor had any speech with Captaine
Keiser et refert se ad subsequentia.
To the tenth and eleaventh hee saith and deposeth that hee had noe
passeport in writing for Cadiz, but his passeport was made
for Ligorne least hee should meete with ffrench, with whom hee
was not free being bound for Cadiz, but it was agreed betwixt
him and the rest of his owners, that hee should goe for Cales, to
which place and other parts in Spaine hee hath traded theise
twenty yeares last in other vessells, and lost his last shipp in the
West Indies in the kinge of Spaines service; and saith hee
declared to the said Captaine Penn the cause and reason of
having his passeport made for Ligorne, when in truth hee was bound
for Cadiz as aforesaid.
To the 12th hee saith that when hee came into the Sound hee
understood that there was warr betwixt England and Scotland, and
that hee and (as he beleeveth) the rest of his owners beare not any
affection to the Scottish nation, more than to this or any other strange
nation, nor to the Scotts armie or any partie that were or are in opposition
to this commonwealth, nor did hee ever speake in the favour of
the Scotts more than of the English [?nowe] in pvedience to the Parliament
of England, quod cetera respondet negative ad singul
saying hee hath nothinge to doe with the Scotts, nor was hee ever there, and
prayeth God to blesse him from them.