HCA 13/63 f.393v Annotate

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HCA 13/63 f.393v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window




Eadem die

Super allegatione preaed examinatus.



Georgius Crane parochia Sancta Maria Magdalena Bermondsea
in Comitatu Surria Nauta, aetatis 25 annorum aut circiter testis
productus et examinatus.

Ad quartum arlum die allegaconis deponit et dicit that hee this deponent
hath gonne as a mariner six or seaven severall voyages from hence
to the Canarie Islands, and for foure or five voyages hee hath gone
masters mate thither in three severall shipps, and by the meanes
aforesaid hee well knoweth and is acquainted with the tonnage
of the goods and merchandizes arlate, and saith that two pipes and
noe lesse of Canary wine doe make and are accompted to a tonne
and noe more; and that hides are of severall computations as they
are bigger or lesser, but they have bin and are usually accompted
and reckoned after 42 or 43 hides to a tonn, but if they are smaller
then ordinary, then 45 are often accompted to a tonne. And saith that
fourteene quintalls of ginger and noe lesse are usually accompted
to and doe make a tonne and noe more, three chests and
noe lesse of sugar doe make and are commonly accompted to a
tonne and noe more; and 20 kintalls and noe less of campecha
loggs and doe make and are usually accompted to a tonne
and noe more, and eight pottacoes and noe lesse of tobaccoes are
(as hee hath often heard and beleeveth) estimated and commonly
accompted to make a tonne, Et alr nescit deponere

Ad 5 nescit.

Super reliquis non examinatus ex direconem producen

