HCA 13/63 f.371v Annotate

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HCA 13/63 f.371v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window




26th die Augusti 1650./

Ex parte Custodia libertato [?Augb]}
quoad navem the ffaulkon et le Emanuell de}
Gottenburgh per Naves the Swiftsure}
et Elizabeth ffrigott [?XXXX] Parliament}


Vicentius Beckman de
Gottenborgh in Regno Swedland
Nauta aetatis sua 42 annorum aut deo
circiter testis productus et iuratus.

Ad primum et 2um Interrogatoria deponit et dicit that the shippe the ffaulcon
is of the Burthen of 300 Tonnes or thereabouts and had att
the tyme of her being seized 12. peeces of Ordinance abord her
And saith that hee this deponent being Master and part
Owner of the said shipp hath alreadye made two severall