HCA 13/63 f.259v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/63 |
Folio | 259 |
Side | Verso |
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IMAGE: IMG_113_02_6266.jpg | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2015/12/14 |
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arlate James Mayer who built the same, and was and is therefore
to pay and indebted into him in the somme of 31 li sterling together
with an ould barge vallewed at 4 li which in all did make 35 li being
the full price for which the said Mayer sold the said Lighter to him the
said Perkins. And further saith that for a greate parte of the tyme that
the said Lighter was in the said Perkins his possession shee was
called and comonly knowne by the name of the New Lighter as is
arlate and by that name was by him upon severall occasions imployed
and used as the true owner and Proprietor of her, hee being soe
generally accompted and reputed to bee. All which hee knoweth to
bee true hee this deponent for all the tyme predeposed liveing
with the said Zacheus {erkins, and seeing him in such possession
of the said Lighter as is predeposed and being told by him the said
James Mayer that hee had sould the said Lighter in controversie to his
said Brother as is predeposed Et alr salvis infrascriptis nescit
Ad 2um et 3um et sched eisd annex et mentionat deponit et dicit
that dureing the tyme arlate the said Zacheus Perkins did name
and call the Lighter arlate by the name of the Ball as is arllate
which hee saith was soe done by him the said Perkins towards the latter
end of the nine moneths arlate at which tyme hee said that the
name of the New Lighter (by which name the Lighter in controversy had
bin called before) would not now any longer bee a fitt name for her, and
therefore hee resolved shee should bee called by the name of [?XXX] of
such of his Carrman and came downe next to the wharfe where
shee then lay, which hee saith chanced to be one Ball, and thereupon the said
Lighter was accordingly called after his name, and by that name and
noe other the said lighter was from that tyme called and named
and was soe imployed by him the said Perkins untill such tyme as the
same amongest other goods was arrested by the inder sheriffe of
Surrey arlate att the suite of the producent Joseph Mustens, and
by vertue of an [?execution] the said Lighter and all the rest of the
Lighters schedulated (being the propper goods of the said Perkins) were
by the said Sherriffe seized upon as is arlate in part of satisfaction
of the debt arlate. according to the Tenour of the schedule arlate
now shewed unto him and perused by him. which hee saith in
all things is true and as hee beleeveth is subscribed bu the hand
of the said Under sherriffe in further testimony of the truth of
the premisses: redens rationem ex proprys usa et scientia se
hee this deponent seeing the said Lighters schedulated and amongst
them the lighter in controversy after they were soe seized upon arrested and carryed
away is predeposed and seeing them after they were delivered into the possession
of the said Musten. where most of them now remaine. Et
alr nescit deponere.
Ad quartum deponit that the vessell in the said schedule as [?XX]
[?note] arlate mentioned and there called by the name of the Ball is [?one]
and the vessell in this cause controverted
and arrested by the arlate James Mayer by the name of the
James and formerly by the said Perkins called sometymes
the New Lighter and afterward the Ball as is predeposed [?XXX ?XXXX]
are one and the same Lighter and not diverse And ever since the
9th day of ffebruary arlate the said vessell or Lighter hath [?belonged]
and still doeth really belong and appertayne to the said [?JXXXX]