HCA 13/63 f.235v Annotate

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HCA 13/63 f.235v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Primo die Junij 1650.

Parnis et George con}
Allen Smith}

Super lilo hac causa dat examinats


jus. testis

Johannes Kendall de Westsmithfeild infra
parochiam Sancti Sepulchrri extra Newgate London [?Oprarius]
aetatis [?XX] 61 annorum aut eo circiter testis productus.

Ad primoum arlum dicti lili deponit et dicit that within the tyme
arlate the arlate Robert Hoskins was Master of the shippe the William
of Plymouth arlate and of her tackle apparell and furniture and for
such was and still is comonly accomptedreputed and taken. Which hee knoweth
hee this deponent seeing the said Robert Hoskins execute and take upon him
teh said place and Comand of Maste of the said ship all the tyme that she remained
in this Port of London within the tyme predeposed. Et alr salvis infrascripts
necesit deponere/

Ad 2um deponit that in or about the moneth of March last past the said
shippe the William came and was brought to Bridghouse Key in the River
of Thames laden with Barley and other goods and Merchandizes about her
which said Barly this deponent saith was consigned to the arlate Mr Robert
Jeffrie who did accordingly sell and dispose of the same to this deponents
certaine sight and knowledge hee seeing the said Mr Jeffrie soe act and
doe the same. Et alr nescit deponere.

Ad 4 et 5um deponit et dicit that within the tyme lilate the arlate William
Parnes (haveing contracted with and bought of the said Robert Hopkins the quantitie of 137
quarters of Barly which was abord the said ship the William) did procure
the arlate Thomas George to come with his two Barges from Hamersmith
(where both the said Parnes and George doe dwell) to the said Bridge=
house Key arlate there to take and carry away the said Corne, and
saith that the said Barges att theire ariveall heere did lye both
of them on the outside of the said ship; the Greater of the said Barges
lyeing next to the said ships side and the lesser without that. And saith that
after the premisses the number of 80 quarters of the said Barly being taken
out of the said ship the William were put abord the bigger of the said Barges
and 40. quarters more thereof were allsoe put abord the said lesser barge
All which hee knoweth to bee true hee this deponent being a Meater of Corne
belonging to the said Key and seeing the said severall numbers of
quarters of Barly laden abord the said respective barges as aforesaid
from abord the said ship the William and heareing the said Mr Robert Jeffries
say that hee had sould the said Parnes the number of quarters of Barly
predeposed Et alr nescit deponere./

Ad 6um deponit et dicit that after the said 40 quarters of Barly were
laden abord the said lesser barge and assoone as the next tyde served the
said Thomas George did dispatch and send the same through Bridge
to Hamersimith, but stayed himselfe behind with the hreater barge arlate to
receave the remainder of the said 137 quarters of Barly of which hee
had and receaved but only twelve quarters more after the departure of
the said lesser barge and before the damage in question happened att
which time there was fower score and twelve quarters of the said Barly abord the said
Barge reddens raconem scienter [?XX] ex proprijs visa et scientia se
hee being present and seeing the said lesser Barge soe dispatched
with the said 40. quarters of Barly as aforesaid and the greater Barge stayed
behind as is predeposed. Et alr nescit deponere./

Ad 7um deponit et dicit that within the tyme lilate and after the said
Barly was taken out of the said ship the William and put in to the said
Barges the said ship then wanting Ballast did leane and [?move]
towards the said Key which being perceaved by the said Hoskins, hee