HCA 13/61 f.14r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/61 |
Folio | 14 |
Side | Recto |
Status | |
Uploaded image; partially transcribed on 04/11/2016 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_118_08_3540.JPG | |
First transcriber | |
Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2016/11/04 |
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Edwardus Cotterell de Sancta Catherines propra turim Londra
nauta aetatis 30 annorum aut eo circiter testim hic [?XX] productus
juratus et examinatus deponit et dicit, prout sequitur videlicet/
Ad primum prem allonis [?XXXX] dui in Regis in hic parte dat et admiss deponit et
dicit that about three yeares since the arlate Colard Budard did
have and keepe a wife and familye at Dunquerke and that
since that hee hath lived at fflushinge but howe longe it is since hee left
Dunquerke and went to Live at fflushinge hee knoweth not but sayeth hee
knewe him whilest hee lived at Dunquerke and a little before Christmas last
[?XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX] Colard Budard at Ostend alr pro puta
sua nescit savege that the sayd Budard was then Master of a certaine
shippe called the Peter which hee taketh to bee the shippe arlate
Ad secndum prem dictix allons deponit et dicit that whilest the arlate
shippe the Peter ws and remained at Ostend aforesayd hee this examinate
bene there at the same tyme sawe some ropos, Lbarre and musketts or
firelocks but which of the two hee certainelye knoweth not nor yet what
number or quantity carried and put aboard the sayd shippe the Peteralr p qte sua nescit, saveinge that hee heard it sayd then and there
that the says shippe was to goe from thence to Ireland but to what
place in Ireland hee knoweth not./
Ad trtum salves predepoita ad qua se refert nescit./
Ad 4 deponit et dicit that it was in DEcember last when the saud shippe
the Peter was and remained at Ostend as aforesayd and there as hee
heard and understood hee kept also the rest of the tyme shee had bene for the space of five or six weekes
this hee sayeth is true of his oath alr p parte sua nescit/
Ad Interria.