HCA 13/54 f.471r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/54 |
Folio | 471 |
Side | Recto |
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Uploaded image; partially transcribed on 02/07/2017 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_129_06_6337.jpg | |
First transcriber | |
Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2017/07/02 |
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18th ffebruary 1638
[?XXXX] [?and] bonis in}
[?the shipp] the Hope de}
1s Cassera
Claus Vabreton de Hamburgo nauta,
annos agens 41 aut eo circiter testis hac,/
Ad 1um arlum allegationis ex parte Cassera et [?for] in hac
parte dat et oblat dicit et deponit, That within
the tyme arlate, the arlate shippe the Hope of
Hamborough arrived at Haverdegrace in
ffraunce, and whilst that shippe remained at
Haverdegrace aforesaide with in the tyme
aforesaid, the arlate Anthony George and Michaell
de Cassera who were the sole freighters of
the said shippe for that voyage togeather with
some other Merchants who were laders under
the said Anthony George and Michaell de
Cassera did lade aboard the said shippe
certaine Linnen cloth and other goodes to bee
transported from Haverdegrace aforesaid to
Cadiz in Spaine for the use and accompte
of the said Anthony George and Michaell de
Cassera and the other Merchants aforesaid
And thhis hee affirmeth upon his oath
to bee true whoe was Master of the said shipp
the voyage aforesaid and llett her to freighte
to the said Anthony George and Michaell de
Cassera for that voyage and firmed bills of
Ladeing uppon the receite of the foods aforesaid
into her at Haverdegrace aforesaide, Et alr
Ad 3 um affirmat That the said shippe with the
goodes aforesaide in her followeing her course
from Haverdegrace [?XXXX] Cadiz aforesaid
was by extremity of stormes and crosse
windes driven uppon the Rockes neere the