HCA 13/53 f.69v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/53 |
Folio | 69 |
Side | Verso |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 09/02/2018 | |
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IMAGE: DSC_100D3300_0146.jpg | |
First transcriber | |
Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2018/02/19 |
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expressed) and this rendent did sounde or knocke all or most of the
sayd Casks and when by the soundinge of them he found a caske
to want very much he gaged every such Caske, and somme of the
company of the said shipp were presentw hen he gaged them
and sawe howe much they wanted of beinge full, but this
rendent did not make any exception against any of the sayd
caskes nor did refuse or leave any of them aboard by reason of their
emptines but sent them all on shoare, Et alr nescit rendere./
Ad 4um rendet That it is a usuall thinge in all voyages out of
the Streights wherein oyles are broughte from thence to the porte
of London for some oyles to leaje out although the master and compay
of the shipp or shipps in which they come doe use their uttermost
endeavors that they can in the stoweing of them and to keepe
them from leakage, and that ther is comonly lost by leakage
in cominge from the Straights to London three fower five
and six in the hundred, and some tymes seaven in the hundred
which is accompted very great leakage, which he knoweth to be true
havinge bene present at the takinge up of much oyle broughte
from the Straights and heard other men report what is the
usuall leakage of oyles in those voyags but hath not much
experience therin himselfe havinge bene apprentice but three
yeares and a halfe or therabouts to a Cooper. Et alr nescit rendere/
Ad 5um rendet That he sawe the oyles in question abord the sayd
shipp but whither they were stowed well or ill he knoweth not
havinge noe iudgement thrin, Et alr satisfa[?ctum] est supra.
Ad 6um rendet That he cannot tell howe many [?salmes] of oyle
make a tonne./
Signmum dri [MARKE] Johis Such./ [MARKE, RH SIDE]
9th Marty 1636.
Pro [?XXX] South.}
Rp Juro.
William Tristram of the parish of Saint Andrew Undershaft
London Merchant aged about 44 yeares sworne before the
worshipfull John Exton Doctor of Lawes Surrogate to the righte
worshipfull Sir Henry Marten knighte Judge of his Majestyes high
Court of the Admiraltye and afterwards examined uppon
certayne Interrogatoryes ministred on the behalfe of Robert South
and others sayeth and deposeth therunto as followeth videlicet/
To the first Interrogatorye hee sayeth. That in the moneth of ffebruary
Anno domini 1634 stillo Anglies this deponent did lade aboard the
arlate shipp the Charitye whereof Nicholas Hart was master) then lyeinge
in the river of Thames, sixt and twenty hogsheads
of Tobaccoe contayninge neat waighte the usuall teare deducted
six thousand sighte hundred and fiftye pounds at the least,
to be transported in the said shipp to Rotterdam and there
delivered for the accompte of him this deponent and company, and
about the latter end of the said moneth of ffebruary anno pred
this deponent did alsoe lade aboard a shipp whereof one John Houlden
was master). then alsoe remayninge in the porte of London, sixteene
hogsheads of Tobaccoe, weighing neat Tobacco (the ussuall teare
deducted) fower thousand and fiftye pounds or therabouts, which
(to his nowe best remembrance) was consigned to be delivered at
To the 2 he sayeth That all the Tobaccoes before mentioned
were entred in his Majestyes custome house London in wards, and
customs and other dutyes were paid for them, but the said goods were shipte
outtwards in the shipps aforesaid, by Certificats under the hands of the ffarmers, without