HCA 13/53 f.37r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/53 |
Folio | 37 |
Side | Recto |
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Uploaded image; partially transcribed on 30/01/2018 | |
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IMAGE: DSC_100D3300_0081.jpg | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2018/01/30 |
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Michael Herring. [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
William Burrowes of Redriffe in the Countye of Surrey mariner
aged about 50 yeares sworne before the worshipfull William Sames doctor of lawes
Surrogate to the righte worshipfull Sir Henry Marten knighte Judge of
his Majestyes high Court of the Admiraltye and afterwards examined
uppon certayne Interrogatoryes ministred on the behalfe of John Hobson master
of the shipp the Blessinge of Rochester sayetha nd deposeth therunto
as followeth videlicet./
To the first Interrogatorye he sayeth That about ten dayes before Christmas
last past the said shipp the Blessinge cominge from Mallega bounde
for London, and meeting with a great storme betwixt ffoulston and Dover in the
Kent about six or
seaven of the clocke in the Eveninge, The sayd John Jobson and
company fearinge least the sayd shipp might drive ashoare in
the nighte tyme (beinge then about two myles from the shoare)
broughte the sayd shipp to an anchor and moored her with two anchors by
which shee roade that nighte, but, the next morning presentlye after
it was lighte the violence of the sayd storme increased soe much that
it forced the sayd shipp to drive towards the shoare and her anchors
drove after her, in soe much that the sayd Jobson and company for
the preservation of the sayd shipp and her ladinge and their
owne lyves were inforced to cutt the Cables by which she roade neere
unto the bitte, and then she sayled into the downes, and by that meanes
the sayd Cables and anchors were quite lost, and are not since recovered for sought
he hath heard or beleiveth, which Cables and anchors soe cutt away and
lost, were then worth in his iudgement one hundred and twentye
pounds sterling at the least for that there were two Cables spliced together
William Burrowes [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]