HCA 13/53 f.35v Annotate

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HCA 13/53 f.35v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


hundred and a halfe of Cotton woolls, which were in partnershipp
betweene him this depoennt and John Harrison the Gunner of the sayd
shipp, but noe other goods wares or merchandizes, and sayed that
William Bennett John Jayles, Adam Loftis and William Lackington
had Cotton woolls and tobaccoe in the sayd shipp for their owne
accompt and Thomas Cooper one of the masters mates had speckled
wood in her but how much cotton wooll or wood any of them laded
or had or received out of teh sayd shipp he cannott expresse. Et alr
nescit deponere/

To the 4th he sayeth That he knoweth of noe goods wares or merchandizes
imbezzelled or conveyed out of the sayd shipp by any one/

Signum dci I V Younge/ [MARKE, RH SIDE]


dci die./

William Bennett of Redriffe in the Countye of Surrey Seaman aged
about 34 yeares sworne and examined as aforesayd/

To the first he sayeth That he went forth in the sayd shipp the
Amitye as a common man the voyage in question but came home
Boatswayne of her, and there were laden into her outwards bound
in the port of London certayne stronge waters axes nills and other
goods the accompte wherof was kept nu John Jayle the then
Boatswayne of her and noe part therof (to his knowledge) was
lost imbeazelled or concealed from the owners throf Et alr nescit/

To the second he sayeth That there were laden aboard the sayd shipp
at Seranam uppon the coast of Guina all the particular quantityes
of Speckled wood, mentioned in the first schedule now given in by him
under his hand into the Registrye of this Court, which were all
laden by James Hopkinson the merchant of the sayd shipp, and at the
Barbadoes there were laden by the sayd hopkinson all and singular the Cotton woolls
and Tobaccoe specifyed in the third schedule nowe given in by him
into the Registry of this Court, under his hand, under the marks in the
sayd schedule, and by other planters at the Barbadoes all and singular
the goods mentioned in the second schedule nowe exhibited by him, and
all the goods mentioned in fourth schedule nowe exhibited by him were
laden by some of the company of the sayd shipp whose names are
expressed in the sayd fourth schedule, and the goods expressed in
those foure schedules were all the goods which were laden abord her either at
Seraman or the Barbadoes, and all the sayd goods were delivered out
of teh sayd shipp in the ports of London to the laders of them or
their assignes and noe parte of them were wantinge to his knowledge
The premisses he knoweth to be true beinge Boatswayne of the sayd
shipp the sayd voyage but beinge not able to write or reade
his mate one Edward Larye did keepe the accomptes therof, but
this deponent gave him directions for the setting downe of every thinge
and the sayd Larye read it to him after it was sett downe./

To the third he sayeth That he this deponent and his precontest Adam
Loftis and John Jayle broughte home in the sayd shipp for
their owne joynt accompts in thirds thirtye
six sticks of speckled wood conteyainge about two thousand weighte
but noe other goods Et alr salvis predepsits et exhibits per eo nescit

To the fourth he sayeth that he doth not knowe or beleive that there
have bene any goods wares or merchandizes imbeazelled or conveyed
out of the sayd shipp/

signum drd + Bennett./ [MARKE, RH SIDE]