HCA 13/53 f.337r Annotate

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HCA 13/53 f.337r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window



dro die

Pro Delabarr quoad}
the blacke Bucke.}


William Crosse of the parishe of Saint George Botolphe Lane London
merchant aged about 53 yeares sworne as aforesaid beinge examined
saieth and deposeth as followeth videlicet/

To the fifte Interrogatory in this behalfe ministred hee saieth That in the
yeares 1630. 1631. 1632. and 1633 hee this examinate haveinge
recourse unto Mr John Delabarrs house scituate in London, did often see
the interrate Nicholas fferaro workinge in the said Delabarrs Countinge house
and the said Delabarr (marryeinge this examinates sister)
did often tymes acquainte him this examinate with his busines and affarires beyond seas and amongst other things
told him this examinate that the said fferaro was imployed by him
the said Delabarr as his servant for to write Letters and dispatches for him and
his brother Vincent Delabarr to Italy and as hee conceiveth the said fferaro did write most of
these Itlaian Letters for that hee did well understand and speake the Italian tongue./

To the sixte hee saieth That in anno 1633 the foresaid John and Vincent
Delabarr did furnishe and sett out a certaine shippe called the
blacke Bucke of London, and that the said shippe was to goe from this
porte of London to Saint Lucars in Spaine and from thence to Angola
and Rio de Plata and that the foresaid Nicholas fferaro and one
John Baptista Sopranis liveinge here in
London were appointed to goe ffactors in the said shipp the said voyage
and did goe the said voyage the premisses hee well knoweth to bee
true for that the said John Delabarr did acquainte him this examinate with his
resolution when hee first intended the said voyage and asked his
this rendents opinion and [?advice] of it and this examinate did as much
as in him lay dissuade him from the said voyage, but yet not withstandinge the said
Delabarr did undertake the same./