HCA 13/53 f.333r Annotate

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HCA 13/53 f.333r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window



Ad 7um arlum allegacionis pred dicit et deponit That for all the tyme
that hee this examinate hath used the sea hee hath observed it to be a use
and custome amongste masters uppon theire arrivall uppon the Coaste
of England in case there shippe bee bound for London presently to send
away thire purser or some other of theire Company with theire
merchants letters, and with directions to deliver them as neere as they
cann to the parties whome they are directed to, and they who are
imployed to carrie upp the sayd letters doe uppon theire arrivall
at London repaire to the Royal Exchange London and there give notice
of the shippes arivall and then and there all those that have any letters doe [?XXX]
and receive theire Letters and the master or purser or such other partie
whoe was imployed for the delivery of those Letters as noe more or further
charged therewith and hee saieth it is an impossible thinge for any
one to deliver every particular man his letter because the said letters are
most of them directed to such a one in London and noe place specified
where, or at whate signe they live or dwell Et alr nescit

Super reliquis articulois d[?XX] allegacionis in hac parte nn examinatur ex
direccone [artis producen[?XX]/