HCA 13/53 f.323r Annotate

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HCA 13/53 f.323r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


5th Augusti 1637

Henricus Hedly de Lymehouse in Comitau Middlesex
nauta annos agens 40ty aut eo circiter testis et cetera.


That the shippe the
ffleure de Luce about a moneth or five weekes after
her departure from England the voyage arlate proved
to bee very leaky about her boughs in soe much
that her master and company were inforced to take
downe her sprit saile yard and sprit saile to [?XXXX]
topp and [?XXX] to ease her boughes which were old and
rotten and therfore shee the said shipp was not stronge
or staunch but insufficient and noe way is fitt or
able to performe such a voyage neither was shee
as hee beleeveth before shee went out from
England the said voyage well and sufficiently repared