HCA 13/53 f.307v Annotate

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HCA 13/53 f.307v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window




Mathew Sannders parochia beate Maria Matsellon alias
Whitechapple London yeoman 60 annorum aut circiter testis
in hac parte productus iuratus et examinatus./

Ad 8ym arlum allegationis ex parte dcu Joseph Sannders in hac parte
dat et oblat, dicit et deponit That he this deponent beinge one of the porters
belonginge to the Custom house. London about six weeks since was twice
abord the arlate shipp called the fflower de Luce (wherof Hugh Weston was
master) whilest the Tobaccoes in question were deliveringe out of her in the river of Thames
into close Lighters, and after the sayd Tobaccoes were broughte up in the sayd
Lighters to he custome house key he this deponent and his contest William
Greene did helpe lande the same and putt them into ware houses
and since the same were broughte into warehouses he sawe about
foure or five hundred hogsheads of the sayd Tobaccoe on severall dayes videlicet from Thursday last untill yesterday in the afternoone opened in the heads
and the staves of them pulled abroad soe that they mighte have a fulls
sighte of the Tobaccoes in them, and sayteh that about nynetye six hogsheads
of the sayd Tobaccoe under severall marks were quite rotten and lookt like
dunge and were not worth any thinge in his iudgement, and about
one hundred eightye five hogsheads more of the sayd Tobaccoes under
severall marks were much dampnifyed and some of them were about halfe
and some about a quarter wett and some more and some lesse, and in that
quantitye as he guesseth there was dampnifyed and spoyled soe much
as weighed five thousand and five hundred weighte of neat Tobaccoe or theraboits which
dammage as he beleiveth happened to the sayd Tobaccoe abord the sayd
shipp the fflower de Luce by salte water, for that he this deponent
goeinge abord the sayd shipp in the river of Thames to fetch eighte hogsheads
of Tobaccoe out of her bread roome after all her ladeinge of goods
(but those 8 hogsheads) delivered out of her, went into her hould