HCA 13/53 f.300r Annotate

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HCA 13/53 f.300r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


uppon his oath to be true. And he further sayeth, that
the sayd Mr Geddys of his knowledge before the sayd fourth day of November aforesayd had bought and provided
hay, oates water and other necessaryes for the sayd horses and this deponent payd for parte of the sayd haye and straw and
the sayd Mr Geddis gave order to the foresayd William Geddis and Ernest Buckerd, to carrye
them to the sayd Beininge abord the sayd shipp or Boyer, and the sayd
Beininge (as the sayd William Geddis and Ernest Buckerd did affirme) did
refuse to take in the sayd horses with their provision aforesayd, and he alsoe
sayeth that after the sayd fourth day of November aforesayd, the sayd
Mr Geddys was informed to hire another Hamburgher Boyer for the
transportation of himselfe and his servants and the sayd
five horses and their provision and did in this deponents presence
contracte and agree with the master of that other Boyer to paye him
fourteene dollers for the freighte and transportation of every one of the
sayd horses from the porte of London to Hamborough and was forced and
constrayned to staye in England with the sayd horses, by the space of
six weekes and some ofdd dayes after the sayd fourth daye of November
aforesayd, for that the sayd Geddys had hires another Boyer fr the
transportation of the sayd horses, and after the sayd horses with their provisions
were carryed abord the sayd other Boyer, the river of Thames was
soe frozen that now shipp could passe through it or fall downe to
Gravesend, and by reason of the sayd frost the sayd Mr Geddis was forced
to take the sayd horses on shoare agayne and putt them into stables, and
there kept them by the space of three weeks or thereabouts, And that by reason
of the sayd Mr Geddys his longe staye in England with the sayd five
horses after the sayd fourth day of November aforesayd the winter season
grewe on and the frost soe increased that the river of Elve
through which the sayd Boyer was to passe to sayle to hamborough
was frozen up soe that the sayd Mr Geddys with the sayd horses could not
be transported in the sayd Boyer to the porte of hamnboroughe
but as inforced to Land himselfe and his servants and teh sayd
horses at a place called ffredenborough which is fistant
seaven or eighte dutch myles shorte from hamborough each Dutch myle makinge
three English miles soe that the sayd horses could not come to hamborough
untill about three dayes after Christmas last but the sayd Geddys went