HCA 13/53 f.274r Annotate

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HCA 13/53 f.274r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window




primio Augusti 1637

Gould et Willett con Harris/


Johannes Campion de Arundle in Comitatu Sussex nauta aetatis
58 annorum aut circiter testis in hac parte productus
iurat et examinatus./

Ad primum arlum allegationis ex parte [?dXX] Harris in hac parte dat et oblat
dict et deponit That uppon or about the twelveth daye of June Anno domini 1637 last
pastthe arlate ship the Jane of London (whereof James Harris was and is master departed
from Roane in Normandye laden with goods for the accompt of Mr Gould Mr Willett
and others bound for the porte of London where the sayd goods were to be discharged
and at the tyme of the departure of the said shipp from Roane she was very thight
and staunch and very well fitted and able for the performance of the sayd voyage The
premisses he knoweth to be true for that he was one of the company of the sayd shipp
the sayd voyage/Et/

Ad 2 dicit et deponit That about six dayes after the departure of the sayd shipp
from Roane, she arrived at Saint Jaques in ffrance which is distant about one hundred English miles
from Roane, and at her arrivall there the tyde beinge spent the ffrench pilott
which was taken in to carrye her downe the sayd river (to avoyde the board oor [?sXXX]

and at her arrivall there the tyde bein