HCA 13/53 f.253v Annotate

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HCA 13/53 f.253v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window



Idem super Interrogatoria

Ad primum redet That he never went master of a shipp to Saint Lucar, but hath
gonne master to severall other ports in Spayne but never laded
any silver in Spayne but hath taken in some at Lisbone, in
Portugall. but wheither it were unregistred or not he beleiveth he
is not bound by lawe to answer./

Ad 2um et 3um rendet That he doth
conceive that he this rendent as he is master of a shipp is bound to
deliver goods to any one that cometh to demannde them
if the partye that commeth
to demannde the same doe bringe the bills of ladeing signed y
this rendents owne hand for deliverye of such goods,
and cann make it appeare to him this rendent that he is the lawfull assigne of
the merchant to whom the goodsin the sayd bills of ladinge mentioned
are consigned, and not othewise