HCA 13/53 f.249r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/53 |
Folio | 249 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2017/12/21 |
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went to the waters side and sawe all the sayd goods delivered into two
boats to be delivered about the said shipp the Constant, and heard the sayd
Clement Campion acknowledge unto the sayd Digbye in his shopp before the
departure of the sayd shipp on the sayd voyage/ that he had received all the
sayd goods abord the sayd shipp,
Et alr nescit deponere/
Ad 2um affirmat That the sayd fourty seaven rundletts and two quarter
casks of [?tent] wyne mentioned in the schedule arlate did contayne (to his
best remembrance) foure hundred seaventye and odd gallons of tent and every
gallon thereof at that tyme was worth foure shillings per gallon, and soe uch
it cost the sayd Mr Digbye, which he knoweth to be true for that he was
present when the sayd Digbye bought the sayd wyne, and sawe every one of
the sayd Rundletts measured and kepte a particular note therof, which in the totall
amounted to the quantitye aforesayd or therabouts Et alr nescit deponere/
Ad 3um affirmat That there was delivered unto a packer at the sayd John
Digbyes house in the presence of this deponent one peece of broadcloth
Synament colour part of which broad cloath the sayd Digbye in this deponents
presence sould for eleaven shillings per yard, and one gray broad cloath, two
peeces of hangings which this deponent saw measured contayninge fiftye
two yards or thereabouts, for the like of which hangings this deponent about the
same tyme payd to an houlsterer five shillings per yard the same beinge
three yards broad, foure peeces of coloured bayes, fower peeces of
stuffe halfe silke, one peece of silke saye, seaven yards of
black kersey, two peeces of blewe lynnen cloath contayninge fourtye nyne
yards which he sayeth he sawe measured and was well worth 14 d per yard,
twentye two yards of black bayes, and soe many Cordivant dubbletts,
and soe many dozen of button gloves, playne gloves, leather drawers leather
stockings and leather capps as are expressed in the schedule arlate, for
which the sayd Digbye ws to pay unto Mr Barebone a Leather seller dwellinge
neere ffleet bridg, soe mauch money as is expressed in the schedule arlate
which he knoweth to be true for that he sawe to the sayd Barebone for to paye him
soe much money as is particulearly sett downe uppon the sayd goods in the sayd
schedule, Alsoe this deponent sawe delivered into a boate to be
therein caryed abord the sayd shipp, two large fowlinge peeces,
worth thirtye shillings a peece or thereabouts, one small barrell of powder
contayninge about twentye five pounds and a certayne quantitye of small
shott, twentye grosse of tobaccoe pipes which this deponent did number and putt
into foure boxes, alsoe six cases of stronge water and one Rundlett of sacke,
of twelve gallons Three coats and suits one redd and two graye, one boxe of wax candles,
and in a truncke certayne lace, thread, coysses crosse cloath and needles
the quantityes or vallues whereof he cannott expresse, Et alr nescit deponere
Ad 4um affirmat That the coopers bill of whome the sayd Rundletts, and qquarter
casks were bought did come to for the sayd rundletts and for measuringe fillinge
and spooninge of them the some of six pounds sterling Et alr nescit deponere
Ad 5um nescit deponere.
Ad 6um nescit deponere./
Ad ult dicit predeposit p en ea vera Et alr nescit deponere
Roger ffletcher [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]