HCA 13/53 f.23r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/53 |
Folio | 23 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2018/02/22 |
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Engine was sett to worke and went about to wynne her wager, he amongst a great many
others went to be a spectator therof and stood at Saint Olaves stayres where
there is a post sett up for where the sayd boate was to come with her
load, which post is above fourtye yards Eastward belowe the bridge, which this
deponent hath seene measured, and that the sterne of the sayd boate or engine was
right against the sayd post and her head was alll her length beyond it videlicet about thirtye
fotte belowe that post, and then and nnot before she discharged er selfe of
all the gravell which laye in one of her partitions
and after she had discharged that part of her ladinge belowe
bridge as aforesayd, he with many others run about to fferryes wharfe aforesayd to see
her discharge the rest of her ladinge, which she did as before he hath deposed And
afterwards this deponent for his better remembrance tooke a note in his Almanacke what day the
To the third he sayeth. That the gravell which the sayd boate or engine caryed
and placed and stowed in two partitions and one part therof which laye next
her sterne, she first discharged her selfe of above fourtye yards belowe
the sayd bridge, without the helpe of any livinge creature but whether that part of gravell first discharged was two
thirds of the gravell in her he knoweth not, which she soe performed (aswell as this
deponent can relate) by this meanes videlicet, when the water was about an houre ebb
a great pynn or peece of wood which stayd her wheeles
from workinge was plucktt out, and then those wheeles went to worke
and there were some basketts and a hogshead fastened to her which drove downe
with the tyde, and directed her to come through the right locke of the sayd bridge
videlicet the second locke from the Beare taverne at Bridge foote, and when she
was gonne downe through Bridge lower then the place appointed, then by
an Engine or Jacke, a hatchett which was in the sayd engine by a devise chopte the
rope in peeces whereunto the basketts and hogsheads aforesayd were fastened
and then they were loose and drove away with the tyde and imediately theruppon a trapp dore
in the bottome of the sayd boate opemed and lett fall and discharged out of her
into the Thames one parte of the gravell in her, and after that part of the sayd gravell
was discharged and the basketts and hogsheads were loose and drove away from her as aforesayd
then the sayd boate with the helpe of another engine which laye at anchor above the bridge
was screwed or winded up agayne to the palce where she tooke in the sayd
gravell, and when she was returned up thither, there were two poles which stood
up righte in the Engine which drove up the sayd boate, and another pole laye crosse
on those two poles, and there was a Jacke or staffe which stood up righte in the sayd
boate which pynned the other Dore of the other partition wherin the rest of the
sayd gravell laye and when the sayd boate by the sayd engine was drawne
up under, and hitt against the pole which laye crosse in the sayd engine, the staffe or jacke
in th esayd boate slipt backe, and left open the other trapp dores and
by that meanes the sayd boate was discharged of all the rest of the sayd gravell
and the sayd gravell in both of the sayd partitions was kepte in soe cloe, bu the
sayd dores that all of it dropte downe at once assoone as the trapp doore
opened, all which he sayeth was donne without the helpe
of any livinge creature./ Et alr nescit deponere/
To the fourth he sayeth. That the sayd boate or engine had many tymes practised
to performe what was under taken by the sayd mr Basmer But did alwayes
fayle buy one mischance or other, untill the sayd seaventeenth day of August 1636.
last past when she performed the same about elaven or twelve of the clocke
at noone, and she then went and came backe agayne through one and the same
locke, videlicet through the second locke next to the Beare Taverne at the bridge
foot, and the sayd Engine did fully discharge her selfe of the sayd gravell about
an houre after she began to worke
and that there was noe bodye abord the sayd boate at any tyme after she begann
to worke, the ty,e aforesayd untill she had fully discharged her selfe of the
sayd ballast as aforesayd./
To the fifth he referreth himselfe to his deposition to thurd Interrogatorye And further
he cannott depose./
To the sixth he sayeth That neither
the interrogate mr Balmer or either of them or any other for them or either of them