HCA 13/53 f.237r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/53 |
Folio | 237 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2017/12/29 |
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15th July 1657
Clements et al con Goram}
et al}
Edwardus Peters de Dorobornia in Comitatu Kenty mercator
aetatis 25 annorum aut circiter testis in hac parte productus
iuratus et examinatus./
Ad primum et 2um arlos allegacionis ex parte dru Goram et secorum 12 die
[?mensis] Anno domini 1637 ia instan dicit et deponit That
for these two yeares last past or thereabouts ever since the wars
begann betwixt ffrance and Spayne, there hath bene trade and
commerce betwixt the merchants of france and Spayne, but not in
their owne names, but it is a usuall course amongst merchants when they lade
goods in Spayne for the accompte of any ffrench merchants to consigne
them and to direct their letters which they intended should have bene sent in to ffrance unto some merchant or merchants at Antwerpe or other parts
of fflanders, and to inclose such letters in some other letters
which they sent into England, for that if they should lade any
goods moneys or merchandizes in Spayne or Portugall and consigne
them unto ffrench men in ffrance, if it were made
knowne in Spayne or Portugall, such goods should be confiscate and
and the lader therof should be punished ir in great danger
about the same
The premisses he knoweth to be true
for that he this deponent livinge at Dover and beinge imployed both by
merchants of Antwerpe and other parts of fflanders and alsoe by
ffrench merchants, hath mant tymes since the warrs begann betweene
ffrance and Spayne, received many goods which have bene laden in
Spayne in rei veritate for the proper accompte of ffrench merchants
livinge in ffrance, although in the bills of ladinge of such goods, it
hath bene sayd that the same were for the accompte of some merchante
or merchants of fflannders, and the letters which came with such goods have
bene directed to a merchant or merchants of Antwerpe and other parts
in fflanders, wheras the sayd letters doe not concerne such person or persons
to whome they are directed, but were intended to be delivered to
some merchant or merchants of ffrance, and soe much is well knowne
unto merchants or factors that are imployed in England by ffrench
and Spanish merchants And this he affirmeth uppon his oath to be
true et alr nescit deponere