HCA 13/53 f.231v Annotate

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HCA 13/53 f.231v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Ad 3um rendet That he well knewe the sayd William Hutchinson deceased
and that his creditt was accompted to be very good, but this rendent who
was intimately acquainted with him never supposed him to be a rich man or
of good estate, and that the sayd Hutchinson at the tyme of his death
was possessed of a plantation in Virginia, readye planted with Tobaccoe, and
of some Cowes and hoggs (as he supposeth) but to what number or
vallue he knoweth not Et alr nescit rendere/



4th July 1637

Jacobus De Raet parochia Sancti Katherine Coleman London
Broker etats 48 annorum aut circiter testis in hac parte
productus iuratus et examinatus ./

Ad 3um arlum allegationis ex parte dru Seagers et al ult [?XXXX] [?XXXX] Trinite
1637 nescit deponere/

Ad 4um affirmat That he being admitted a broker by the Court of
Aldermen of London, did in the moneth of October Anno domini 1636 sell
for one James Baker of London merchant five hundred quarters of
Danske Rye unto one Powell a Baker dwellinge in Southwarke
for twentye shillings per quarter, which was as much
he could gett for the same, and that there were divers other chapmen
at that tyme which offred money for the sayd Danske Rye but none
would give soe much as the sayd Powell gave for the same, and that
part of the sayd Rye which laye upper most in the shipp when
it was brought was very good well conditioned Corne, but that which