HCA 13/53 f.228r Annotate

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HCA 13/53 f.228r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window




Hemmingh Grill de Hamburgo Nauta aetas 45 annorum
aut circiter testis in hac parte productus iuratus et

Ad primum arlum allegationis ex parte drum Adrian Dirrickson et al in hac parte
dat et oblat, nescit deponere refert se ad billas [?XXXX] in nave the
Salvadore tempe Capture emssem per Capy Man et seios invent./

Ad 2um affirmat That all the goods moneys and Jewells mentioned in the schedule arlate
(excepte the chests of suger mentioned in the sayd schedule marked with the ffirst
marke in the margent and six chests of suger marked with the second marke
in the margent which were consigned to be delivered at Hamborowe) were consigned
to be delivered at Dover to the arlate Daniel Porton Peter Hetan, David Hempson
and Edward Peters and others, which he knoweth to be true for that he is master of the
said shipp the Salvadore, and findeth that the sayd goods are soe consigned by his rolle
wherein the sayd goods are mentioned. Et alr nescit deponere/