HCA 13/53 f.227r Annotate

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HCA 13/53 f.227r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window




21st Juny 1637.

Pro Gregorio Clements et



Nicholas Corbell of Dunkirke in fflannders mariner aged about 25 yeares sworne
before the worshipfull Basill Wood doctor of Lawes Surrogate to the righte worshipfull
Sir henry Marten knighte Judge of his Majestyes high Court of the Admiraltye and
afterwards examined uppon certayne Interrogatoryes sayeth and deposeth uppon his oath
as followeth videlicet.

To the first Interrogatorye he sayeth That the shipp and goods wherin he this deponent
was taken by the shipp the discovery whereof John Man is Captaine, at the tyme of the
takinge therof by the sayd Captaine Man did belonge to dunkirkers and subiects of
the Kinge of Spayne, and was and is a prize taken by the dunkirkers, and as
he thinckes she is named the Charles./

To the second he sayeth that the sayd shipp and goods at the tyme of the takinge
therof by the sayd Captayne Man and company was in the sole possession of the
dunkirkers and subiects to the Kinge of Spayne , and of noe others, and had bene in
the sole and quiett posssession of them
the space of fower dayes before the takinge therof by the sayd Captaine Man and
company, and the sayd Dunkirkers were carryeinge of her to Dunkirke as a
lawfull prize and had carryed her for Dunkirke of she had not bene intercepted
by the way by the sayd Captaine Man and company The premisses he knoweth to be
true for that he was one of the quarter masters of the sayd prize at the tyme of her
takeinge by the sayd Captaine Man./

To the third Interrogatorye he saith that teh sayd shipp the Charles
is of the burthen of fourscore tonnes or thereabouts and had in her at the tyme