HCA 13/53 f.13r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/53 |
Folio | 13 |
Side | Recto |
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Uploaded image; partially transcribed on 18/03/2018 | |
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IMAGE: DSC_100D3300_0033.jpg | |
First transcriber | |
Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2018/03/18 |
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per me Christopher Vennard [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
18th ffebruary 1636./
de ffrancqr con [?Capiij}
Rp J u.
Johannes Craven de Ratcliffe in Comitatu Middlesex natuta aetats 53
annorum aut circiter testis in hac parte productus iuratus et
Ad primum secundum et reliquos arlos allegaconis in hac parte dat et oblat dicit
et deponit That at the Groyne in Galicia whilest the
arlate shipp the Victorye lay there the arlate right honorable the Earle of Amiate
and Villa Mediana the Embassador for the kinge of Spayne for England
came abord the sayd shipp and desired to see the accompts of all the
Chests of silver laden abord her, and having perused the same, did affirme
that ten Chests of the sayd silver marked with the marke in the margent
and laden by one Bartholomew Barriltro, were laden without license contrarye
to the Lawes of the Kinge of Spayne, and that those ten Chests were confiscated
and were by order from the Kinge of Spayne to be taken on shoare agayne
and alsoe the Governour of the Groyne and many others of good
qualitye of that place came abord the sayd shipp and did likewise affirme
that the sayd ten Chests were confiscated because they were laden without
license, and must be delivered on shoare there agayne, whereat
this deponent replyed that those ten chests of silver laye in the bottome of the
sayd shipp under a great many other chests and goods and
could not be come at without a great deale of Romaginge, and landeeinge
of a great many chests and other goods, and shortlye after the premisses
Captayne Steward the Captayne of the sayd shipp came abord
and tould this deponent that he had gott favour from the Governour of the Groyne and
other the Kinge of Spaynes officers that the sayd ten chests of silver
(to avoyd romaginge)
remayne abord the sayd
shipp and be delivered
to the sayd Lord Embassafor
for the Kinge of Spaynes
use when he should require
[?XXXX] And when the sayd shipp came into the Downes the sayd Lord Embassador did require the sayd ten chests of silver and gave
order to the sayd Captayne Steward
to deliver them into a Barke
amongst other the sayd
Embassadors moneys and goods
and because they could not be
come at without much romaginge
one Peter de Sauches [?XX] of
whome most of the moneys abord
the sayd shipp were laden did
condiscend that ten of the
chests laden by him which came next to hand and were of the same quantitye and vallue should be delivered to the
Lord Embassador instead of the sayd ten chests in question and he the sayd Sauches should receave the sayd
ten chests in question when the sayd shipp came to Dunkirke, all which the sayd [?Captayne] Steward did performe accordinglye
The premisses
he knoweth to be true beinge master of the sayd shipp the Victorye the tyme aforesayd who tooke in and delivered out all the moneys out of the sayd shipp Et alr
nescit deponere/