HCA 13/127 f.34r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/127 |
Folio | 34 |
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IMAGE: IMG_115_05_9252.jpg | |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2017/12/12 |
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Lord Protector against
The personall answers of John
Brewer made to the position of an
allegation given in against him on the
parte and behalfe of his highnes the
Lord Protector doe followe./
To the firste pretended position he answereth
and referreth himselfe to his former answers
made to an allegation apud acta given in this
cause which this respondent beleeveth to bee true
and otherwise for his parte hee doth not beleeve
the said position to bee true in any parte thereof
To the second pretended position hee answereth and
beleeveth that about the time articulate this
respondent did buy of the Commoisioners for
prize goods the oyles in controversye after the
quantitye or number of 252. gallons and not
lesse as hee beleeves to the tonne and this respondent
beleeves that about the time articulate this rendent
did set his hand to the booke for the buyeinge of the
said oyles. And otherwise for his parte hee doth not
beleeve the said position to bee true in any parte
To the third pretended position hee answereth
that for his parte hee doth not beleeve the said
article to bee true in any parte thereof./
To the fourth and fifth pretended positions he answereth
and beleiveth that hee this respondent haveing
bought the oyles aforesaid at the number of 252
gallons to the tonne as he beleeveth and the articulate
John Day haveinge alsoe a parcell of Oyles as hee
pretended this respondent and the said Daye had some