HCA 13/124 f.93r Annotate

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HCA 13/124 f.93r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


att Saint Maries to give notice to the same
passingers to bee in a
readines against this Rendents arrivall there
And otherwise for his part hee doeth not
beleeve the said position to bee true in any
parte thereof

To the seaventh pretensed position hee answereth
and beleeveth that hee this Rendent being
to saile to Saint Michaels to take in provisions
of Victualls and other necessaries for his
said shipps Company and passingers did
upon or about the [BLANK IN MANUSCRIPT]
saile by Saint Maries towards Saint Michaels and
there safely arrived and after her arrivall
this respondent beleeveth there were dischar=
ged out of the said shippe some small
quantity of goods which were sent to
freinds onely as tokens the freight where
of did not amount to above Ten pounds
as hee beleeveth after the discharge of
Which goods this Rendent beleeveth hee did
there receave on bord his said shipp for
her provisions of victuals and other
necessaries for her Company and pas=
singers onely and not as merchandizes
to sell and dispose of certaine Butts of
Sacke and other provisions and from thence
returned to Saint Maries againe and there
tooke in 270 passingers and noe more
as hee beleeves with theire Chests and Cloaths
and from thence sailed to a place called
Marranensa, in the Brazeele and there
arrived the 20th of December 1648 as hee
beleeveth and there this Rendent beleeves
hee did put all he said passingers and
theire Chests and Cloathes onshoare
within three daies after videlicet the 23th of