HCA 13/124 f.85r Annotate

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HCA 13/124 f.85r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


shipp the Jonathan and Abigall the
voyadge in quetion untill the determina
tion of which sute these respondents knowe
not what to answer unto the said posit=
tions and they conceive they are not
bound by lawe to make any further
answer unto the said Articles/

To the 27th and 28th pretensed positions they
answer that they doe not beleeve no
any of them beleeveth the said pretensed posi
tions or either of them to bee true in any
parte thereof./

Lawrence Steete [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]


The second of May 1651 [CENTRE HEADING]

The personall Answers of Thomas Clark
made to the positions and Articles
of a certaine Libell given and ad=
mitted against him on the behalfe
of Edward Bellamy and Samuel
Coop as followeth

To the first pretensed position this rendent
answereth and beleeveth that within the time
arlate the arlate William Adis deceased
was whilst hee lived Accounted and repu
ted to bee the true and lawfull proprietor
of all and singular the goods wares and
merchandizes mentioned and expressed
in the schedule arlate And otherwise hee
doeth not beleeve the said pretended posi
tion to bee true in any parte thereof./

To the second hee answereth and beleeveth
the same to bee true/