HCA 13/124 f.75v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/124 |
Folio | 75 |
Side | Verso |
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Added artificial foliation; uploaded image; transcribed on 13/05/2015 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_114_04_7110.JPG | |
First transcriber | |
Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2015/05/13 |
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Aprill the 19th 1651 [CENTRE HEADING]
Repeated before
doctor Exton one of
the Judges/
The personall Answers of Roger kilvert
made to the positions of an allega
tion given in against him on the
behalfe of Christopher Peeterson
doe followe/
To the first pretended position hee anwereth
and beleeveth that on or about the time arlate
the arlate Alexander Barron an English
merchant resident att hamburrowe did
as factor or Agent to this Rendent att
hamburrowe aforesaid to and for this
Rendents use and Account and not other
wise hire and take to freight the said shipp
the Speranza from the arlate Peeterson
and noe other as hee beleeveth for a
voyadge to bee made with the said shipp
from hamburrowe to the Canaries to lade
wines or such other merchanizes as this
Rendent or his factors there should cause
to bee laden and put on board the said shipp
and soe to returne therewith to this porte
of London and upon her first Arrivall
here to deliver the same to this Rendent
or to whome this Rendent should order
And otherwise for his parte hee doeth not beleeve
the said pretended position to bee true in
any parte thereof
To the second retended position and schedule
therein mentioned hee answereth and accep
teth the Contents of the said position and schedule soe
farre forth as the sme doe make for him
and referreth himselfe to the said schedule
which hee beleeveth to bee a true copy of
the charter partye made by the arlate Barron
on the parte and behalfe of this
rendent And otherwise for his parte hee
doeth not beleeve the said position to bee
true in any parte thereof