HCA 13/124 f.5v Annotate

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HCA 13/124 f.5v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


effect of the said articles or either of
them Et alr non credit [?dros] arlos esse
veros in alique./

Ad quartum arlum dicit quod pendit [?ex]
negatis ut credit et [?ideo] non credit
se de [?inreteneri] eidem renddere/

Ad quintum articulum rendet that
he beleeveth that he this rendent did not disburse
any money to furnish out any parte
at all of the arlate shippe for the
voyage arlate And otherwise he
doth not beleeve the said article
to be true in any parte thereof

Ad sextum arlum rendet that he
doth not beleeve the said article
to be true in any parte thereof./

Ad septimum articulum rendet that
he beleeveth that the said Thomas
Mullinox did in some parte of the
yeare 1648 depart this life, And since his
death this rendent did lawfully as
he beleeveth by vertue of a
primum decretum of this Court get
th epossession of one sixteenth parte
of the arlate shippe th eMary
Bonadventure and her tackle and
furniture And otherwise he doth
not beleeve the said article to be
true in any parte thereof.

Ad ult articulum rendet quod credit per [?eu]
credita et negat negata et cetera./


17th decem
Huc [?computan]