HCA 13/124 f.45v Annotate

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HCA 13/124 f.45v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


And this Rendent beleeveth that hee
this Rendent in regard the said
hooker was indebted to this Re=
spondent in his life time and att
the time of his death in a greater
summe of money then his eight parte
of the said shipp did not give
unto the said hooker any Account
thereof ut credit And otherwise for
his parte hee doeth not beleeve the said
position to bee true in any parte thereof

To the 4th pretensed position hee an=
swereth and beleeveth that a vessell
of fifty Tonnes burthen is worth
to bee let to freight the fraighters
being to victuall and man the summe
of seaven poundes per moneth and noe
more ut credit the Joseph and soe much and noe more ut credit
was lett for and was worth
And otherwise for his parte hee doeth
not beleeve the said position to bee true
in any parte thereof/

To the fifth pretensed position and schedule
therein mentioned hee answereth and
beleeveth the same to bee true/

To the sixt pretensed position hee
answereth and beleeveth the same
to bee true

John [?Stall] [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]