HCA 13/124 f.29r Annotate

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HCA 13/124 f.29r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


cause doe wholy and really belonge
to this rendent and were sent or
carried on board the said shippe by
himselfe or some other by his order and
direction as in this article is alleaged
which he accepteth off as far forth as
the said article maketh for him, and the
promisses by him confessed he hath
acknowledged, and otherwise he doth
not beleeve the the said pretensed position
to bee true in any parte./

To the third position he answereth that
he this rendent is induced to beleeve
that the arlate Laurence de Novalls
was and is a ffrench man and an
Inhabitant in Saint Malloes beinge
advised by the said Mr hungerford
to make use of his name as aforesaid,
and for that and noe other reason
this rendent beleeveth this article to bee

To the last he beleeveth the thinges
by him formerly beleeved, and denieth
the things by him formerly denied.


Repetit coram doctor [?XX]

Rp [?p] [?RXXXXX] et
productione [?XXX]


The personall answers of
Peter Legay made to the
pretense positions of a certaine
allegation given against him
on the behalfe of Nicholas
Gold and company as followeth

To the first pretensed position hee
answereth that saving his answears
followinge he doth not beleeve the said pretensed
position to bee true in any parte saveinge