HCA 13/124 f.20v Annotate

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HCA 13/124 f.20v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


otherwise for his parte hee doeth
not beleeve the said positions or
any of them to bee true in any parte
thereof Saveinge this Rendent
beleeveth the said shippe the Mathewe
came and arrived to this porte of
London with her said ladeinge of
Salt on or about the eighteenth day
of March 1645 and the last of her
ladeing was discharged out of her
the Second day of Aprill
Anno domini 1646 and not after [?XX XX GUTTER] And otherwise
for his parte hee doeth not beleeve the
said positions or any of them to bee
true in any parte thereof/

Robt Waldgrave [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]