HCA 13/124 f.11r Annotate

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HCA 13/124 f.11r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


And otherwise for his parte hee doeth not
beleeve the said position to bee true in
any parte thereof

To the fifth pretensed position hee answereth
and beleeveth That after such time as
the shipp the Ulisses arlate had taken in
her ladeing for this porte of London
shee sailed and came homewards and
the arlate Treleague Sumpter and the
rest mentioned in the schedule annexed
to this Rendents Answer came with him
and that in theire course for London the
said shipp was by contrary windes
driven into Plimouth where shee came
to an Anchor and in her comeing from
thence was by the carelesnes or un=
skilfulnes of the said marriners it
credit lost and cast away And otherwise
for his parte hee doeth not beleevee the
said position to bee true in any parte thereof

To the sixt pretensed position hee answereth
and beleeveth that about six of the Clocke
att night before the shipp Ulisses was
lost shee being cast away about three
of the Clocke the next morneing hee
this Rendent ordered his Companye to
steere the said shipp East and about
Two of the clocke in the morneninge
being about an hower before the said
shipp was lost this Rendent asked his
Companye howe they had steered and
they answered East Sotherly and
thereupon this Rendent wished them